A mobile application to demonstrate a building automation system solution that utilizes LoRaWAN provisioning on a NuMaker-IoT-M2354 Board. The application provides account creation and verification for a user. The user may login and have data persistence across the application. Once a user is logged in they can provision a device, that has a NuMaker-IoT-M2354 board, one of two ways. Over-The-Air Activation (OTAA) and Activation By Personalization (ABP) are the two provisioning options. Both require the application to obtain keys and have it write the keys to the device being provisioned. The application also allows the user to read the keys being used for provisioning. The user can have multiple devices registered and connected under their account. These can be viewed on the Provisioned Device List page.Once a device has been provisioned and connected to the cloud, the data from the sensors on the device are visualized on the application. The data visualization is three charts for temperature, humidity and pressure. The data from the sensors are passed to the cloud and the application requests the data on intervals. It then interprets the data and displays them on the charts in the data visualization page.